In order to track your parcel, simply click on the tracking link provided in the confirmation of despatch email.
You can also find a link to your parcels tracking information by visiting the customer account section here.
When ordering goods from We Are Breathe for delivery overseas you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the package reaches the specified destination. Any additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country, so you should contact your local customs office for further information.
Additionally, please note that when ordering from We Are Breathe, you are considered the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods. We would like our international customers and customers dispatching products internationally to be aware that cross-border deliveries are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities.
If you paid for your original order via Paypal Express, an account was automatically set up for you with a random password for security purposes.
To gain access to your account :
- Visit the customer account login page here.
- Enter your email address and press continue.
- Click the "Forgot your Password?" link.
- Follow the on-screen prompts.
You will be sent an email with a secure link to allow you to reset your password to something memorable. Once you have done so, simply return to the customer account login page and login with your email address and new password.
Visit our returns page here for full details.
We hope to have covered most of the frequently asked questions , however if your query is not covered above, please email us at and we will be happy to help.